Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cartoons VS. Anime: Does It Really Matter?

This is a very controversial debate between furries and the average jo. The True question is this: Does it really matter what we enjoy between these two?

First and foremost, I am going to start off with my experience between both subjects. This is to give you an idea from a different point of view.

My experience so far with anime and cartoons is excellent so far depending on what show I am currently watching. For example, My current cartoons are 101 Dalmation Street, Paw Patrol, and Star VS. The Forces of evil. Some are furry and nonfurry related cartoons. My current anime shows are: Hunter X Hunter, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, Bleach, Compulsive Gambler, and Beasrars.

So why the controversy over what shows we are watching? To be completely honest, this feels like the whole religion warfare where if you are not part of someone else's religion, you are shamed for it. 

The honest reality is that it doesn't really matter what we watch. If you enjoy cartoons or anime, you are still cool in my terms!

Here is a video that explains everything! This is based on what we just discussed but in broader detail!

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